Ein reines Juwel in Ihrem Garten mit ihren kräftig pinken Blüten, welche den Charme einer Pfingstrose versprühen . Blüten in lila- rosa , gute Blattgesundheit und reich blühen geeignet für Gruppe, Rabatte, Beet und Kübel. Keine Bewertungen vorhanden. Einzigartige Romantikrose , die mit ihren stark gefüllten Blüten sofort an Pfingstrosen aus Großmutters Bauerngarten . GARDEN ROSE YVES PIAGET a Beautiful rose Meilland International S. Blüte: dunkelrosa – aufgelockerte, pfingstrosenartige Blütenform – Blütenblätter. Erster Eintrag: Duftrosen.
Der Piaget-Erbe . Source, Own work. Author, Georges Seguin (Okki) . She is a peony looking, large headed rose. Yves Piaget was named after the famous French jewelry designer. BlooDeep pink.
Class: Hybrid Tea. Named for the famous Swiss clockmaker who makes the trophy for the best rose in the Geneva rose competition. Perfectly combines old-fashioned form, strong . Abundant, continuous flowering and long strong stems make this rose a garden favorite. Height: 3-Feet.
Rosa Hybrid Tea. One of our most popular garden roses, this bloom is . Seine lebenslange . The thick branches persist in jutting out horizontally, so the . H in our rose garden. Disabled Pinterest. Flowering Months.
Deshalb feiert das Unternehmen am 5. AUFNAHMEDATUM GESCHÄTZT ! PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxONLY Copyright: . SKU: yvespiaget01. Tea-hybrid fragrant French peony rose. Exclusively grown by Alexandra Farms.
Pre-order days in advance . Find yves piaget roses stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations. Regular price $38. Product Description. Stunning and divine, producing the most beautiful large flat cupped mauve pink frilled edged blooms . Add to Wishlist.
Color: Hot Pink. This collection is a true luxury rose collection with the best scented cut rose . It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists . A raw material of perfume smells and is abundant pink rose eve and theme of PIATCHE.
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